Engineering capstone + Mutidiscplinary urban capstone design project.
Examining IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, and MetaCritics Scores for Movies Shot in Toronto using ggplot2
A bayesian hierarchical spatial model analyzing demographic profile of 2016 Trump voters in Winsconsin using diseasemapping::bym in R.
A bym model with penalized complexity priors examining relationship between COVID-19 and air pollution in England.
A Bayesian predictive model examining excess mortality in Québec (adjusted for seasonal variations) using inla package in R.
Interactive dashboard displaying available air pollution measurements over 20 years for internal research use
Interactive web map displaying COVID-19 cases over time on Toronto’s neighborhood level
A capstone research conducted using cluster analysis in GIS and glmm regression modeling in R.
An independent research project conducted using COBWEB, a Java based simulation software.
A raster analysis with satelilte images in GIS.
A vector analysis automated in GIS using Python.